The Starfleet Special Operations Rangers require all who wish to
join a Ranger unit within their command to be held to the following requirements:
:. Be
a member in good standing with Star Fleet International
:. Have
completed the following courses:
:. Starfleet
Marine, Marine Basic Training (PD-10) *needed as a prerequisite for
any SFMC courses
:. Starfleet
Marine, Marine Essential Tasks List (PD-12)
:. Starfleet
Marine, Infantry Basic course (IN-10)
:. Starfleet
Marine, Special Operations Basic course (SO-10)
:. The requirements
for anyone in command of a Ranger unit, or starting a new Ranger
unit, are as follows:
:. Basic requirements as stated above
:. Officer
in Charge (OIC)
:. Completion
of Starfleet Marine, Basic Leadership course (LD-10)
:. Completion of Starfleet Marine, Advanced Leadership course
:. Noncommissioned
Officer in Charge (NCOIC)
:. Completion of Starfleet Marine, Basic Leadership course
:. Completion of Starfleet Marine, Noncommissioned Officers Basic
Development (NCO-10)
:. Completion of Starfleet Marine, Noncommissioned Officer
Advanced Development (NCO-20)
While this may not seem like much in the overall scheme of things,
these courses will allow those who wish to be a Special Operations
Ranger to better understand what is expected of this elite unit in
the way of training.